Unique Facts Android
Unique Facts Android
This time I will discussunique facts aboutAndroid OS . Immediately followingThis is a fact aboutAndroid :1 . This OS 1 in the worldAndroid is a systemNo. 1 operation in mobilepreviously on hold worldby Symbian .2 . Using the name of the foodcoverName using the Android OSdessert names like :- C upcake ( Android1 .5 ) ,- D onut ( Android 1.6 ) ,- E clair ( Android 2 . 1 ) ,- F Royo ( Android 2 . 2 ) ,- G ingerbread ( Android 2 .3 ) ,- H ONEYCOMB ( Android 3 .0 )( Other Tablets )- I ce Cream ( Android 4.0 )- J elly Bean ( Android 4.1 and 4.2 )3 . OS Name In accordance with OrderalphabetAccordance with the android OS namearrangement of the alphabet , if notclay believe that the above list4 . Open Source OSAndroid is a systemspecial operations asan open OSsource that can facilitateapplication developers embedapplicationin Android .5 . Carries Special MarketsWhat is certain is that the market ismarkets not visitedgreen robot .Here is the android marketmarket that can be usedfordownload games and applicationsfor android . the application wasnow already more than 300,000 .6 . The fastest growthOS with the fastest growthThis Google -owned operating systemgrew 861 % in 1 yearlast .7 . stand aloneInitially this android standhimself by the name AndrioidInc. . afterit was bought by Google Inc. . . fordevelop establishedopenheadset alliance consisting ofmany companies .
This time I will discussunique facts aboutAndroid OS . Immediately followingThis is a fact aboutAndroid :1 . This OS 1 in the worldAndroid is a systemNo. 1 operation in mobilepreviously on hold worldby Symbian .2 . Using the name of the foodcoverName using the Android OSdessert names like :- C upcake ( Android1 .5 ) ,- D onut ( Android 1.6 ) ,- E clair ( Android 2 . 1 ) ,- F Royo ( Android 2 . 2 ) ,- G ingerbread ( Android 2 .3 ) ,- H ONEYCOMB ( Android 3 .0 )( Other Tablets )- I ce Cream ( Android 4.0 )- J elly Bean ( Android 4.1 and 4.2 )3 . OS Name In accordance with OrderalphabetAccordance with the android OS namearrangement of the alphabet , if notclay believe that the above list4 . Open Source OSAndroid is a systemspecial operations asan open OSsource that can facilitateapplication developers embedapplicationin Android .5 . Carries Special MarketsWhat is certain is that the market ismarkets not visitedgreen robot .Here is the android marketmarket that can be usedfordownload games and applicationsfor android . the application wasnow already more than 300,000 .6 . The fastest growthOS with the fastest growthThis Google -owned operating systemgrew 861 % in 1 yearlast .7 . stand aloneInitially this android standhimself by the name AndrioidInc. . afterit was bought by Google Inc. . . fordevelop establishedopenheadset alliance consisting ofmany companies .
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