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100 Facts about Greyson Chance

100 Facts about Greyson Chance

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1 . Greyson was born on Saturday , August 16, 1997 in Witchita Falls , Texas2 . Greyson Michael Chance full name3 . Greyson zodiac Leo4 . Name pangilanya G - Chance , GC , Enchen5 . Her name is Lisa Chance and his father is Scott6 . He had 2 very kaka he loved , his sister 's name Alexa ( older sister ) and Tanner ( oldest brother ) was the youngest child so greyson ;)7 . Famous Grey ignorant child8 . Greyson had an experience with a broken heart9 . She was once bullied gara gara same ngefans lady gaga * why weve lah yaa ? ? * Because he never bullied him for the song Purple Sky10 . The biggest inspiration was Lady Gaga , Augustana11 . He nandatanganin contract with Record Label EllenDeGeneres , Ellen brought nemuin gray paparazzi video then the video just watched 1000 people12.Dia ngefans also equally Elton John , John Legend , John Lennon and Christina Aguilera13 . Greyson can already play the piano from the age of 8 years old * wow *14 . Greyson not been formally vocal exercises * can sound really good really so yaaa ? ? *15 . Greyson was like number 1116 . Greyson had an iphone but he prefers to use a Blackberry17 . He likes very same Harry Potter movie18 . greyson his motto : " go for today , do not worry about the future it'll come eventually" same " No matter what , always be yourself ! "19 . Before the concert , Greyson performed the ritual is to pray together , hugging and kissing her mother's band20 . Greyson was very dear at all of his fans , he told his fans it was his girlfriend21 . Greyson less like a girlfriend problems when asked , he said he was still young and do not want to cheat on her fans haha22.Junk her favorite food is Mc.D. she likes pizza : 9 and also if for example he should take another tour PopChips , Gatorade , MSM 's23 . Greyson says he's happy that his fans were " Unyu " fact she does not understand meaning24 . Justin Bieber never ngetwet MV enchen who Unfriend you agree giwla the same good * JB *25 . Greyson prefer sms than phone * hehe * ngiriiit26 . He had a dog and 3 cats . Macy the dog's name is Chance : o there eh but macy already died : ( cat 's name is Oreo , Rachel Smokey again again use the same chance27 . Greyson meniptakan her own songs28 . The most difficult song she made ​​it home is in your eyes29 . He wished he could sing with Hayley Williams30 . Greyson do not like guys who wear make-up , she does not like the guy a liar31 . The same greyson ex Allysa Lauren32 . Greyson Pingin play on Glee , he want his brother 's role as Finn33 . Now his new best friend is Cody Simpsons and Ariana Grande34 . His favorite colors black , blue , white35 . Greyson ever accidentally kissed the lips of fans36 . Greyson fans happy calling it ' sweetie ' or ' sweetheart '37 . Greyson was smart in math he said he always dapet value of A38 . If Greyson stunned at the girl , Greyson will invites a girl on a first date to the cinema or dinner39.Greyson the same really like Selena Gomez and Selena 's brother has been considered .40 . Grey often hear the song Party Rock Anthem ! And he liked it , if he heard this song while rocking rocking and trying to shuffle tablets though failed to hold * spirit * chen41 . ECEN Broken Heart song written himself said he was inspired by the song of two girls who dump me and make me angry42 . Greyson like to wear casual clothes43 . Greyson not like to say he prefers Youtube Sensasion arguably New Artist44 . Greyson bbuat want the decorative piano fans photo45 . Greyson ever think about what one of his fans that there would be a soul mate46 . greyson likes girls with curly hair47 . Greyson prefer girls sweeter than a beautiful girl48 . The song Hold on til ' the night was a true story of a girl49 . Greyson would rather play the piano than his friends hang out with friends50 . Greyson same like Taylor Swift because he said Taylor was cute51 . Greyson Christian Catholic religion52 . MV unfriend you post it turned out lyrics HOTTN53 . there are 26 words in the song waiting waiting outside the line54 . poorer diem diem greyson that love photography55 . Greyson says the songs he most enjoy performing the pas sing Unfriend You56 . Greyson could speak jive well australia57 . Greyson like girls who can dance58 . Greyson less so love it when she say The Next Justin Bieber while he's proud to be disandinkan with Jb but he says that they sound so different , Greyson Greyson yes yes Justin Justin59 . Before Greyson famous friends his friends liked the same ngelawak60 . Greyson likes winter61 . After dropping them at Lauren instead friendships * whew * what a good gray62 . Till now Greyson and Lauren still love texting63 . The first name of greyson twitter @ greyson97 before turning into @ Greysonchance64 . Greyson very like to see an Asian Girl , asian girl Because he think it is so beautiful and natural65 . Greyson like losing when playing video games at Cody66 . Greyson want both can play guitar , play guitar fit again tried to never hurt tangnya67 . Greyson entered into the top 10 artists in the magazine The Magazine68 . Greyson has always tried to mention the fans ngebales69 . Some words on his piano are : Music , Anger , Love , Laughing , Art , Hope , Lips , Buildings , Something , Rainbow and Mysterious .70.Greyson had a special call for Cody Simpson . Ie " Coco " . While calling Cody Greyson as " Babyface "71 . He loves flat shoes and a jacket that looks like a shirt .72 . Greyson really like reading73 . Greyson favorite sport was football , though actually he was not too fond of sports74 . Greyson ever play the movie title Rising Hope75 . Greyson amazed with lyrics lyrics The journey and Steve Perry76 . Dilagu HOTTN greyson told that the fans do not be afraid , go for courage , and thank all the risks77 . Greyson often wear a necklace78 . Greyson just know that a lot of people would say the same79 . Greyson often write the name of Lady Gaga80 . greyson never donate $ 5,000 to a children's hospital in Oklahoma81 . Greyson is now learning to play the drums again82 . Dianna Agron Greyson thought it was very sweet of Glee83 . Greyson like wear converse shoes84 . Greyson not scared of heights85 . In 2012 Greyson concert in southeast Asia want anymore but still kapannya dirahsasiakan86 . Setaip 1 minute once greyson could dapet 5-10 mention of his fans87 . Greyson is more like cats than dogs88 . There is another account @ LittleGee97 who he actually questioned by the echencers89 . Greyson same really interested in Indonesia because he says many of his fans indo90 . Greyson like Justin Bieber song mistletoenya91 . Greyson not believe that she was cute92 . Greyson like to learn French because according to him the art93 . Greyson likes fireworks bonfire94 . Greyson really like to play Angry Birds95 . Greyson 's favorite books Lookin for Alaska96 . Greyson Chance , Cody Simpson , and Justin Bieber was deket also lhoo97 . The song Take a Look at Me Now it is a song for those people who do not believe in the ability of gray98 . Greyson likes food Mexico99 . The pertamannya album Hold On Til ' The Night100 . Greyson plans to release the album " X - traordinary " wah can not wait wait for him hehe

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