From Nawwas bin Sa'man, he said: "One morning the Prophet. Tells the story of Dajjal, sometimes he lowered his voice and sometimes mengeraskannya, so we thought that the Dajjal is in palm groves. Kettika we came to him, he knows our circumstances, then he asked: "What are you?" We said: "O Messenger of Allah, you berrcerita about Dajjal, sometimes you slow down the sound and sometimes you mengeraskannya, so we thought that the Dajjal is in palm groves. 'He said: "Fear to other than the Dajjal is the most I have to worry about yourself. If he and I are still any of you, and I will argue dengamya to protect you, but if if he's out and I have been among you, then everyone will argue to help themselves, and God is the successor to all Muslims. He (Dajjal) is a young man with curly hair, poking eyes out, I think as Abdul Uzza bin Qathan. Therefore, whoever among you meet her, let recite Surat al-Kahf. Indeed it out of the way between Sham and Iraq then destroy either side. O servants of Allah, chin up! We said: "O Messenger of Allah, how long they dwell on the earth?" He said: "Forty is a day like a year, another day like a month, another day like a week, and the remains of day like your days." We asked: "O Messenger of Allah, the day the year before, it is enough for us one day only on that day?" He replied: "No.. So make forecasts for a time of prayer. "We asked:" O Rasulullsh, how the speed of the earth? "He replied:" As the wind blown rain. So he went to the people and invite them, then they believe in him and want to answer his call. After that he memerinyahkan lsngit (that caused it to rain), then the sky rained down, commanded the earth (in order to grow plants), then the earth grow vegetation. On the evening of the shepherds them home with a long hump, stomach mengelaytut containing milk. Then the was rejected. Dajjal then leave them. On the next day they were experiencing drought, a treasure no matter who is on them. Then Dajjal passed the ruins sutu: "keluarakan treasure stash," then deposit the deposit had followed him like bees. After that he called a young man with a sword and then he cut into two pieces and thrown as far as the target, then he called back, the young man, laughing and his face shone. When he was in such a state of sudden God sent the Messiah, son of Maryam. He fell on the white tower, east of Damascus wearing clothes dyed za'faran and put his hands on the wings of two angels. When subjecting head, water was dripping, and if looked up, the water was like mutuara berluncuran. Unbelievers smell his breath must have died, while his breath as far as the eye could reach him. Then he sought and found in Babu Dajjal Ludd (the area near Baitul muqaddas) and killed him. After that he visited the guarded by Allah from the evil of Dajjal, he rubbed their faces and say their degrees in paradise. When he was in such circumstances, suddenly God gives revelation: "Behold, I have issued my servants, no one was able to kill him, then keep and collect my servants in the mountains thur. "Then God raised Gog and Magog are quickly dropped from high places. When the sound of their past lakes Thabariyah, they lack what is in there. And when the last row through, they said: "Verily, this place never existed water, "and Nabiyyullah Isa and his companions pray to God, then God sends them ketengkuk caterpillar (Gog and Magog), so they all die like the death of the soul. After that Nabiyullah sahabt-Isa and his companions down to earth. They did not find a place on earth except one inch Gog and Magog filled carcasses stinking. So Nabiyullah Isa and his companions pray to Allah, then Allah sent the bird by the neck and then bring their camels (Gog and Magog) and threw desired place by God. Then God sent rain which flooded the house from the ground or from the fur, the rain had washed the earth clean, clean like glass, then said to the earth: "grows fruit-buahanmu and return blessings." On that day a group of people eating pomegranates and shade with lids, also endowed camel milk is enough for a group of people, a milk enough for a family cow. When they are in that condition, God sends a fragrant breeze blowing under their armpits, and then unplug the life of every believer and Muslim, and the remaining are evil men who have sex with donkeys (copulate in public without shame), then those that occurred during the apocalypse. (Narrated by Muslim)
THE Dajjal
In mid-2007, the name appears as the Antichrist Saibaba preached the melee at the end of time. It is said that frizzy-haired man and resides in India that can cure all diseases with holy water. No one has been able to beat his prowess, even some among the Indian scholars who become affected by his followers after his prowess when debating and doing another show of skill.
In the previous year, when the U.S. military invaded the country to Iraq and toppled the regime of Saddam, there are people who think that George W. Bush and his allies is the Antichrist who preached by the Prophet.
We certainly can not blindly accept such interpretations. We need to refer back hadiths about Dajjal: Dajjal who exactly are, and when and where they appear.
Criteria Dajjal
It is impossible to mention one by one hadith that explains about the Antichrist, because it very much. However, based on the many Hadith which gives enough detail explanation about Dajjal figure, it can be concluded that the explorers of this earth is a Jew or a group of mighty merchant, curly hair on her head as if there were stems of trees, blind right eye, while the left eye sharp like the stars, and on his forehead is written Kafirun billahi wa bi-rasûlihi (disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger, peace be upon him).
Dajjal will come to the surface of this universe by claiming to be a god. People who heard his words, will undoubtedly become loyal followers, except those who had been guarded by Allah SWT. He also has a greatness which equaled the miracles of the prophets, as can revive people who had him killed, can create beauty and extraordinary pleasure on the earth, can rain down from the sky, the trees can also grow in the blink of an eye. So in between greatness-greatness are mentioned in the Hadith.
The emergence of the Dajjal
At a time when mankind was no longer doing commanding the good and forbidding the evil, then the bloodshed flooded expanse of the universe, riot and disaster after another, traditional liquor, drunk, and adultery is rampant, ordinary men committing sodomy with other men, ordinary women doing lesbian with other women, then at that time the melee end times (Dajjal) appears from the east, riding a donkey.
At that time also, when the wind blows like exterminating the Prophet Hud as, sounded like a loud boom sound that has devastated the people of Prophet Salih as, and earth reddened like coals of fire engulfed mankind, as experienced by the Prophet Shoaib as.
Along with the emergence of the Dajjal, the mosques became empty, no religious activity there. People who believe salat in their homes, no longer in the mosque. The snakes are no longer silent in the nest. Thus the enormity of the earth will shake, the sun sometimes rises bright white, reddish, sometimes also black. The witches gathered into followers of Dajjal, the world's wanderers.
Performance Dajjal
Dajjal is in a special setting by God to be an exterminator faith and belief of Muslims at the end of the life of the world. He would persuade the man to reveal the real heaven is hell and hell show essentially is heaven. He would say to the people he encountered: "Will I dedicate this haven to those who bow to me, and people are reluctant to bow down to me, then will I throw him into hell."
In accordance with its title as the Messiah (the explorer), he would wander around the world. When entering the land of Babylon he will meet with the Prophet Khidhir as. Dajjal saying, "I was tuhanu". Khidhir as Prophet replied, "You lie, O Dajjal". Kill Dajjal and said, "Cry out to the Lord He will menghidupkanmu". Thus, the Prophet Khidhir life back and said to the followers of the Antichrist: "Do you worship the cursed infidels". Then, as the Prophet Khidhir killed again up to three times and was revived by God.
After the defeat at the hands of the Prophet Khidhir axles and not able to defeat him, then perkelanaannya proceed to the city of Mecca, but when he got there Dajjal see the angels were lined up around it, and then he switched to Medina, but when he got there he witnessed the same events in Mecca.
Dajjal killer
God did not destine to live Dajjal linger on earth. In a lengthy Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim (Hadith number 5233) of the Companion Abdullah bin Amr ra explained, that the age of liars on this earth is only forty, but Abdullah bin Amr ra do not know if words said at forty Prophet was forty days , forty months or forty years?.
Dajjal is a great guy nobody can kill him. But at the end of his life, all the strength and greatness that he had revoked by God and no longer useful. At that time Allah sent Prophet Isa as a hero savior of sadism and cruelty man 'the devil' one's eyes. Prophet Isa Dajjal will be looking for a place, and then killed him with his benevolent hand.
Thus the identity of the Antichrist and the story is believed by the scholars of hadith, tafsir scholars, jurists, scholars of the science of kalam, Islamic scholars also Ahlussunnah wal Jamaat others.
Compiled from various sources Hopefully we, as adherents understand Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah can survive the disruption and trickery the Dajjal is very cruel. Similarly, our faith may be strengthened further by Allah and not given a chance to live at the time of the Antichrist roam this earth. Amin yes Rabbal-Alamin.
From Nawwas bin Sa'man, he said: "One morning the Prophet. Tells the story of Dajjal, sometimes he lowered his voice and sometimes mengeraskannya, so we thought that the Dajjal is in palm groves. Kettika we came to him, he knows our circumstances, then he asked: "What are you?" We said: "O Messenger of Allah, you berrcerita about Dajjal, sometimes you slow down the sound and sometimes you mengeraskannya, so we thought that the Dajjal is in palm groves. 'He said: "Fear to other than the Dajjal is the most I have to worry about yourself. If he and I are still any of you, and I will argue dengamya to protect you, but if if he's out and I have been among you, then everyone will argue to help themselves, and God is the successor to all Muslims. He (Dajjal) is a young man with curly hair, poking eyes out, I think as Abdul Uzza bin Qathan. Therefore, whoever among you meet her, let recite Surat al-Kahf. Indeed it out of the way between Sham and Iraq then destroy either side. O servants of Allah, chin up! We said: "O Messenger of Allah, how long they dwell on the earth?" He said: "Forty is a day like a year, another day like a month, another day like a week, and the remains of day like your days." We asked: "O Messenger of Allah, the day the year before, it is enough for us one day only on that day?" He replied: "No.. So make forecasts for a time of prayer. "We asked:" O Rasulullsh, how the speed of the earth? "He replied:" As the wind blown rain. So he went to the people and invite them, then they believe in him and want to answer his call. After that he memerinyahkan lsngit (that caused it to rain), then the sky rained down, commanded the earth (in order to grow plants), then the earth grow vegetation. On the evening of the shepherds them home with a long hump, stomach mengelaytut containing milk. Then the was rejected. Dajjal then leave them. On the next day they were experiencing drought, a treasure no matter who is on them. Then Dajjal passed the ruins sutu: "keluarakan treasure stash," then deposit the deposit had followed him like bees. After that he called a young man with a sword and then he cut into two pieces and thrown as far as the target, then he called back, the young man, laughing and his face shone. When he was in such a state of sudden God sent the Messiah, son of Maryam. He fell on the white tower, east of Damascus wearing clothes dyed za'faran and put his hands on the wings of two angels. When subjecting head, water was dripping, and if looked up, the water was like mutuara berluncuran. Unbelievers smell his breath must have died, while his breath as far as the eye could reach him. Then he sought and found in Babu Dajjal Ludd (the area near Baitul muqaddas) and killed him. After that he visited the guarded by Allah from the evil of Dajjal, he rubbed their faces and say their degrees in paradise. When he was in such circumstances, suddenly God gives revelation: "Behold, I have issued my servants, no one was able to kill him, then keep and collect my servants in the mountains thur. "Then God raised Gog and Magog are quickly dropped from high places. When the sound of their past lakes Thabariyah, they lack what is in there. And when the last row through, they said: "Verily, this place never existed water, "and Nabiyyullah Isa and his companions pray to God, then God sends them ketengkuk caterpillar (Gog and Magog), so they all die like the death of the soul. After that Nabiyullah sahabt-Isa and his companions down to earth. They did not find a place on earth except one inch Gog and Magog filled carcasses stinking. So Nabiyullah Isa and his companions pray to Allah, then Allah sent the bird by the neck and then bring their camels (Gog and Magog) and threw desired place by God. Then God sent rain which flooded the house from the ground or from the fur, the rain had washed the earth clean, clean like glass, then said to the earth: "grows fruit-buahanmu and return blessings." On that day a group of people eating pomegranates and shade with lids, also endowed camel milk is enough for a group of people, a milk enough for a family cow. When they are in that condition, God sends a fragrant breeze blowing under their armpits, and then unplug the life of every believer and Muslim, and the remaining are evil men who have sex with donkeys (copulate in public without shame), then those that occurred during the apocalypse. (Narrated by Muslim)
THE Dajjal
In mid-2007, the name appears as the Antichrist Saibaba preached the melee at the end of time. It is said that frizzy-haired man and resides in India that can cure all diseases with holy water. No one has been able to beat his prowess, even some among the Indian scholars who become affected by his followers after his prowess when debating and doing another show of skill.
In the previous year, when the U.S. military invaded the country to Iraq and toppled the regime of Saddam, there are people who think that George W. Bush and his allies is the Antichrist who preached by the Prophet.
We certainly can not blindly accept such interpretations. We need to refer back hadiths about Dajjal: Dajjal who exactly are, and when and where they appear.
Criteria Dajjal
It is impossible to mention one by one hadith that explains about the Antichrist, because it very much. However, based on the many Hadith which gives enough detail explanation about Dajjal figure, it can be concluded that the explorers of this earth is a Jew or a group of mighty merchant, curly hair on her head as if there were stems of trees, blind right eye, while the left eye sharp like the stars, and on his forehead is written Kafirun billahi wa bi-rasûlihi (disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger, peace be upon him).
Dajjal will come to the surface of this universe by claiming to be a god. People who heard his words, will undoubtedly become loyal followers, except those who had been guarded by Allah SWT. He also has a greatness which equaled the miracles of the prophets, as can revive people who had him killed, can create beauty and extraordinary pleasure on the earth, can rain down from the sky, the trees can also grow in the blink of an eye. So in between greatness-greatness are mentioned in the Hadith.
The emergence of the Dajjal
At a time when mankind was no longer doing commanding the good and forbidding the evil, then the bloodshed flooded expanse of the universe, riot and disaster after another, traditional liquor, drunk, and adultery is rampant, ordinary men committing sodomy with other men, ordinary women doing lesbian with other women, then at that time the melee end times (Dajjal) appears from the east, riding a donkey.
At that time also, when the wind blows like exterminating the Prophet Hud as, sounded like a loud boom sound that has devastated the people of Prophet Salih as, and earth reddened like coals of fire engulfed mankind, as experienced by the Prophet Shoaib as.
Along with the emergence of the Dajjal, the mosques became empty, no religious activity there. People who believe salat in their homes, no longer in the mosque. The snakes are no longer silent in the nest. Thus the enormity of the earth will shake, the sun sometimes rises bright white, reddish, sometimes also black. The witches gathered into followers of Dajjal, the world's wanderers.
Performance Dajjal
Dajjal is in a special setting by God to be an exterminator faith and belief of Muslims at the end of the life of the world. He would persuade the man to reveal the real heaven is hell and hell show essentially is heaven. He would say to the people he encountered: "Will I dedicate this haven to those who bow to me, and people are reluctant to bow down to me, then will I throw him into hell."
In accordance with its title as the Messiah (the explorer), he would wander around the world. When entering the land of Babylon he will meet with the Prophet Khidhir as. Dajjal saying, "I was tuhanu". Khidhir as Prophet replied, "You lie, O Dajjal". Kill Dajjal and said, "Cry out to the Lord He will menghidupkanmu". Thus, the Prophet Khidhir life back and said to the followers of the Antichrist: "Do you worship the cursed infidels". Then, as the Prophet Khidhir killed again up to three times and was revived by God.
After the defeat at the hands of the Prophet Khidhir axles and not able to defeat him, then perkelanaannya proceed to the city of Mecca, but when he got there Dajjal see the angels were lined up around it, and then he switched to Medina, but when he got there he witnessed the same events in Mecca.
Dajjal killer
God did not destine to live Dajjal linger on earth. In a lengthy Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim (Hadith number 5233) of the Companion Abdullah bin Amr ra explained, that the age of liars on this earth is only forty, but Abdullah bin Amr ra do not know if words said at forty Prophet was forty days , forty months or forty years?.
Dajjal is a great guy nobody can kill him. But at the end of his life, all the strength and greatness that he had revoked by God and no longer useful. At that time Allah sent Prophet Isa as a hero savior of sadism and cruelty man 'the devil' one's eyes. Prophet Isa Dajjal will be looking for a place, and then killed him with his benevolent hand.
Thus the identity of the Antichrist and the story is believed by the scholars of hadith, tafsir scholars, jurists, scholars of the science of kalam, Islamic scholars also Ahlussunnah wal Jamaat others.
Compiled from various sources Hopefully we, as adherents understand Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah can survive the disruption and trickery the Dajjal is very cruel. Similarly, our faith may be strengthened further by Allah and not given a chance to live at the time of the Antichrist roam this earth. Amin yes Rabbal-Alamin.
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