Manipulation of the philosophy of history
Manipulation of the philosophy of history
History makes Yogyakarta City Government ( City Government of Yogyakarta ) change back 600 street names scattered in the city of Yogyakarta . Therefore , the road name changes to restore the hallmark of the city of Yogyakarta is no longer in line with the philosophy of the city filled with history .
However , from several news media written several times , is not mentioned how the meaning and the history of philosophy . So that the people of Yogyakarta , in particular young people are familiar with the philosophy of history .
In the early stages , of as much as 590-600 prefixed name change three major roads in the city of Yogyakarta . The third road is Jalan - Jalan Ahmad Yani Mangkubumi and Street Triple Command .
" The three names of the roads adapted to the philosophy of the Keraton Yogyakarta including Ngayogyakarta existence . According to plan , Mangkubumi Road will be renamed Utamo Margo Road , Jalan Ahmad Yani be Mulyo Margo Road and Street Triple Command became Jalan Pangurakan , " said Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency ( Bappeda ) Muhammad Edy Yogyakarta in Yogyakarta .
The name change based on input from Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X - humanist and humanist other . Then technically be done in the fourth quarter . Earlier, will be disseminated to determine the input of the community .
This plan uses fund budget amendment 2013. For writing the mesh will use the letters of Indonesia and Java , along with the type and the type of road .
Jalan - Jalan Ahmad Yani Mangkubumi and Road TRIKORA changed because it is considered more suitable when using names derived from the history of Yogyakarta . Sri Sultan HB I , has a history and philosophy of extraordinary . When the important moments , such as Grebeg Maulud Prophet , Shawwal and other Grebeg Sultan always sit in Ward Manguntur Tangkil in Siti Mahinggil . Manguntur Tangkil means of relating to God as meditation .
" Sultan of the North facing straight to the point of view ( perspective ) is golong Tugu - milled , rounded at the top of the cylinder to the bottom . Not say anything semedhi alias . With this in mind and conscience of unity and oneness . Which golong - milled relationship with almighty commonly called habluminallah . cylinder down with the people commonly called habluminannas . A king must be close to the Almighty . then have to be an example of its people , " said the Head Office of the Kraton Dwarapura KRT Jatingingrat .
Philosophy semedhi king , said Jatiningrat which used to be called the Father Tirun Marwito , King facing North of the palace through several streets with ancient names is as a symbol of the message , a symbol of the rituals themselves . Which could be a reflection of the actions of a leader . Symbol of the palace , then the square pass Bringhardjo Market . Market is described as a place of temptation .
" On the Market Bringhardjo no money , trade , woman . Afterwards north again passing the current Kepatihan as DIY Pemrov office is a symbol of temptation positions . Symbol of power which govern concerned it is not good , " he said .
Therefore , the need for the return of the philosophy of history to restore the original name of the street in the city of Yogyakarta hundreds preceded by three streets . So that way it carries the name of the history of philosophy messages that can be learned by today's young generation .
" There are three roads that are changed in accordance with the philosophy of history back to the early stages of a change in the way the city of Yogyakarta . Firstly , the road TRIKORA changed ( into Jalan Pengurakan ) - Jalan Ahmad Yani ( Margomulyo Road ) - Jalan Malioboro ( fixed ) and Mangkubumi Road ( Jalan Margoutomo ) and penghabisanya at Tugu Yogyakarta , " he said .
The street name changes according to Jatinigrat meaningful , such as ritual purposes Sultan precursor to eliminating ugly passions ( Pengurakan ) , towards the street kemulyaan ( Margomulyo ) , through the teachings of the wali ( Malioboro ) , won primacy ( Margoutomo ) to maintain the relationship between God and man ( symbol Tugu Yogyakarta ) .
" Filsosofi This should be done by a leader anywhere . Lan Gusti So manunggaling Kawulo can be achieved . Especially nowadays menunggaling servant and his leadership has been difficult . Teachings sinuwoko therefore it must be maintained and developed with the laws Privileges Yogyakarta today , " he explained .
In addition to the three roads which is altered in the early stages , there are many other ways that will undergo the process of change . Changes in the way it should be balanced with an explanation of what is actually the meaning of philosophy and predecessor gave the name of a street . Which should behind the name of the street will have wisdom and lessons that can be learned and a role model of today's young generation .
History makes Yogyakarta City Government ( City Government of Yogyakarta ) change back 600 street names scattered in the city of Yogyakarta . Therefore , the road name changes to restore the hallmark of the city of Yogyakarta is no longer in line with the philosophy of the city filled with history .
However , from several news media written several times , is not mentioned how the meaning and the history of philosophy . So that the people of Yogyakarta , in particular young people are familiar with the philosophy of history .
In the early stages , of as much as 590-600 prefixed name change three major roads in the city of Yogyakarta . The third road is Jalan - Jalan Ahmad Yani Mangkubumi and Street Triple Command .
" The three names of the roads adapted to the philosophy of the Keraton Yogyakarta including Ngayogyakarta existence . According to plan , Mangkubumi Road will be renamed Utamo Margo Road , Jalan Ahmad Yani be Mulyo Margo Road and Street Triple Command became Jalan Pangurakan , " said Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency ( Bappeda ) Muhammad Edy Yogyakarta in Yogyakarta .
The name change based on input from Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X - humanist and humanist other . Then technically be done in the fourth quarter . Earlier, will be disseminated to determine the input of the community .
This plan uses fund budget amendment 2013. For writing the mesh will use the letters of Indonesia and Java , along with the type and the type of road .
Jalan - Jalan Ahmad Yani Mangkubumi and Road TRIKORA changed because it is considered more suitable when using names derived from the history of Yogyakarta . Sri Sultan HB I , has a history and philosophy of extraordinary . When the important moments , such as Grebeg Maulud Prophet , Shawwal and other Grebeg Sultan always sit in Ward Manguntur Tangkil in Siti Mahinggil . Manguntur Tangkil means of relating to God as meditation .
" Sultan of the North facing straight to the point of view ( perspective ) is golong Tugu - milled , rounded at the top of the cylinder to the bottom . Not say anything semedhi alias . With this in mind and conscience of unity and oneness . Which golong - milled relationship with almighty commonly called habluminallah . cylinder down with the people commonly called habluminannas . A king must be close to the Almighty . then have to be an example of its people , " said the Head Office of the Kraton Dwarapura KRT Jatingingrat .
Philosophy semedhi king , said Jatiningrat which used to be called the Father Tirun Marwito , King facing North of the palace through several streets with ancient names is as a symbol of the message , a symbol of the rituals themselves . Which could be a reflection of the actions of a leader . Symbol of the palace , then the square pass Bringhardjo Market . Market is described as a place of temptation .
" On the Market Bringhardjo no money , trade , woman . Afterwards north again passing the current Kepatihan as DIY Pemrov office is a symbol of temptation positions . Symbol of power which govern concerned it is not good , " he said .
Therefore , the need for the return of the philosophy of history to restore the original name of the street in the city of Yogyakarta hundreds preceded by three streets . So that way it carries the name of the history of philosophy messages that can be learned by today's young generation .
" There are three roads that are changed in accordance with the philosophy of history back to the early stages of a change in the way the city of Yogyakarta . Firstly , the road TRIKORA changed ( into Jalan Pengurakan ) - Jalan Ahmad Yani ( Margomulyo Road ) - Jalan Malioboro ( fixed ) and Mangkubumi Road ( Jalan Margoutomo ) and penghabisanya at Tugu Yogyakarta , " he said .
The street name changes according to Jatinigrat meaningful , such as ritual purposes Sultan precursor to eliminating ugly passions ( Pengurakan ) , towards the street kemulyaan ( Margomulyo ) , through the teachings of the wali ( Malioboro ) , won primacy ( Margoutomo ) to maintain the relationship between God and man ( symbol Tugu Yogyakarta ) .
" Filsosofi This should be done by a leader anywhere . Lan Gusti So manunggaling Kawulo can be achieved . Especially nowadays menunggaling servant and his leadership has been difficult . Teachings sinuwoko therefore it must be maintained and developed with the laws Privileges Yogyakarta today , " he explained .
In addition to the three roads which is altered in the early stages , there are many other ways that will undergo the process of change . Changes in the way it should be balanced with an explanation of what is actually the meaning of philosophy and predecessor gave the name of a street . Which should behind the name of the street will have wisdom and lessons that can be learned and a role model of today's young generation .
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