Indonesia Giant Military Strength 1960
1960s , President Sukarno era .Indonesia's military strength isone of the largest andstrongest in the world . At that time , evenDutch forces had notcomparable to Indonesia, andAmericans are very concerned withthe development of our military forcesmassively supported bythe latest technology of the Soviet Union .1960, the Dutch still entrenched inPapua . Seeing the power of the RepublicIndonesia is more severe ,Western-backed Dutchdesigning a stratagem toestablish a puppet state thatseemed to be independent , but stillunder the control of the Dutch .President Sukarno immediatelytake extreme measures ,purpose , Papua recapture .Sukarno immediately issuededict " TRIKORA " in Yogyakarta ,and contents are :1 . Abort state formationdolls made in colonial PapuaNetherlands .2 . Hoist the Red and Whitethroughout the West Irian3 . Be prepared for mobilizationgeneral , maintainingindependence and unity of the landnation of water .Thanks to the proximity of Indonesia withSoviet , Indonesiaget help large -scale naval forces andThe world's most advanced military airGiant value , U.S. $ 2.5billion . Currently , the military forceIndonesia became the strongest inthe entire southern hemisphere .Indonesia's main strength in the currentTRIKORA it is one of the main vesselThe largest and fastest warSoviet -made world classSverdlov , with 12 cannonGiant 6 -inch caliber . It isKRI Irian , with giant weights16,640 tons with a crew of1270 people, including 60 officers .Soviet , never oncegive this strong ship onany other nation , exceptIndonesia. ( newest shipsIndonesia now from Sigma classonly weighs 1600 tons ) .Indonesian Air Force alsobecame one of the main air fleetdeadliest in the world , whichconsists of more than 100 aircraftart at that time . the fleetconsists of :1 . 20 supersonic fighterMiG - 21 Fishbed .2 . 30 aircraft MiG - 153 . 49 high - fightersubsonic MiG - 17 .4 . 10 MiG - 19 supersonic aircraft .MiG - 21 Fishbed isone of the main supersonic aircraftmost advanced in the world , which hascapable of flying at speedsreach Mach 2 . the aircraft iseven more powerful than aircraftAmerican art at the time,supersonic F - 104Starfighter and F - 5 Tiger .While the Netherlands is stillrely on planesWorld War II asP - 51 Mustang .For the record , awesomenessaircraft MiG - 21 andMiG - 17 in the Vietnam War untilencourage Americans set upUnited States Navy Strike FighterTactics Instructor , training centerThe best pilots are knownwith the name of TOP GUN .Indonesia also has a fleet of 26long-range strategic bomber Tu - 16Tupolev ( Badger A and B ) . thismaking Indonesiaone of the main nation of only 4 inworld that have bomberstrategic , namely the U.S. , Russia , andEngland . Its base is located atIswahyudi Air Field ,Surabaya.Even China and Australia alsonot have bombersSuch strategic . this bomberalso features a variety of equipmentSophisticated electronics and missilesU.S. warships special anti - 1Kennel , that the explosion couldeasily drownbattleships West .Indonesia also has 12 shipsWhiskey -class submarines , dozens of shipsCorvette -class fighter , 9 helicoptersThe world's largest MI - 6 , 41MI - 4 helicopters , planesincluding aircraft carrierheavy transport Antonov An - 12B .Total , Indonesia has 104combat ships . not yetthousands of the best assault rifle whileit and still be legendaryuntil now, the AK - 47 .It all makes Indonesiabecome a military power salasahtusea and air of the strongest in the world .The effect is so great , soAmerica under the leadership of John F.Kennedy forced the Dutch toget out of Papua , andstated in the UN forumthat the transition of power inPapua , from the Netherlands to Indonesiais something that could be accepted .
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