Function In Human Hair
Function In Human Hair
1 . In HeadThe function of hair is toprotect the scalp fromsunburn and cold .While the hair is inyour head is not numberedless than 100,000 strands of hairand each strand grows in2 to 6 years . butwill experience hair lossevery day , 50 to 100 strands ,however, the new hair will grow .2 . In EyeThe function of eyebrows and eyelashes apartfor beauty and beautyis to withstand sweat andrain on the foreheadthen to the eye . The eyebrows are alsocan deepen the characters facesYou truly are .3 . on the NoseWith the hair onnose , then bacteria , fungi , dustor spores taken into thenose will be blocked andfiltered . Not only that,Hair on the nose also servesincrease humidityinhaled . It is very importantfor continued respiration process .4 . Mustache , beard , chest hairand stomachFunction mustache and beard that isas a sign of secondary sexualfor adult men , orin other words , as onedistinction between men andwomen . As with mustacheand beard , hair on the functionchest and abdomen are assign for male secondary sexadult .5 . In the armpitAs well as body hairAnother , usually in the armpit hairbegin to grow at pubertyand growth is usuallyuntil the late teens ,ie 18-20 years . permeationpheromones from the axilla at the level ofhuman developmentshows the link between hairarmpit with keseksualan . responsepositively to stimuliin the mammalian olfactory andstrong insistence that sexcaused by seepagepheromones give cluesuseful about the purpose andinterest to the underarm hairhumans . Never say bahawathe hair itself actsas the nature of the " anti - shear "initially be between the upper armthe thorax. More importantly,underarm hair is so originalexpel moisture from the skinwhich helps the skin so prettydry to preventgrowth of bacteriaremove the smell .6 . In the Hands and FeetLeg hair and arm functionis as a sensorThe most effectual . Suppose our feetbush walking . It isresponded by foot we aremuch . Starting plants that makeitching or could respond if there arecaterpillar .7 . In PubicVarious theories suggest thatfunction of pubic hair isprovide warmth , an indicationvisual of sexual maturity ,collection of expenditurepheromones , reducing external frictionduring intercourse , protectorhair-bearing areasgenitalia , because this regionsensitive .
1 . In HeadThe function of hair is toprotect the scalp fromsunburn and cold .While the hair is inyour head is not numberedless than 100,000 strands of hairand each strand grows in2 to 6 years . butwill experience hair lossevery day , 50 to 100 strands ,however, the new hair will grow .2 . In EyeThe function of eyebrows and eyelashes apartfor beauty and beautyis to withstand sweat andrain on the foreheadthen to the eye . The eyebrows are alsocan deepen the characters facesYou truly are .3 . on the NoseWith the hair onnose , then bacteria , fungi , dustor spores taken into thenose will be blocked andfiltered . Not only that,Hair on the nose also servesincrease humidityinhaled . It is very importantfor continued respiration process .4 . Mustache , beard , chest hairand stomachFunction mustache and beard that isas a sign of secondary sexualfor adult men , orin other words , as onedistinction between men andwomen . As with mustacheand beard , hair on the functionchest and abdomen are assign for male secondary sexadult .5 . In the armpitAs well as body hairAnother , usually in the armpit hairbegin to grow at pubertyand growth is usuallyuntil the late teens ,ie 18-20 years . permeationpheromones from the axilla at the level ofhuman developmentshows the link between hairarmpit with keseksualan . responsepositively to stimuliin the mammalian olfactory andstrong insistence that sexcaused by seepagepheromones give cluesuseful about the purpose andinterest to the underarm hairhumans . Never say bahawathe hair itself actsas the nature of the " anti - shear "initially be between the upper armthe thorax. More importantly,underarm hair is so originalexpel moisture from the skinwhich helps the skin so prettydry to preventgrowth of bacteriaremove the smell .6 . In the Hands and FeetLeg hair and arm functionis as a sensorThe most effectual . Suppose our feetbush walking . It isresponded by foot we aremuch . Starting plants that makeitching or could respond if there arecaterpillar .7 . In PubicVarious theories suggest thatfunction of pubic hair isprovide warmth , an indicationvisual of sexual maturity ,collection of expenditurepheromones , reducing external frictionduring intercourse , protectorhair-bearing areasgenitalia , because this regionsensitive .
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