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Emerging Signs Dajjal It Happen ?

Dajjal and characteristics
Dajjal is a son of Adam [ He is not from the class of jinn , nor descended from a mix of humans and jinn as alleged by some people ] . He has clear characteristics that can be recognized by every believer when he was out . Among its characteristics are like two RasulullahSallallahu word ' alaihi wa Sallam following ;
1 . ' Indeed, Al -Masih Ad - Dajjal is a man short , bow-legged , curly hair , blind in one eye , and blurry eyes not prominent nor sunken , if he deceive you then know that your Lord is not blind side ' [ Saheeh . HR . 23 144 Ahmad , Abu Dawud 4320 ]
2 . ' No one except the Prophet warned his ummah about Dajjal blind side and lies . Keta -huilah that Dajjal is blind of one eye , while God is not blind side . Written between the eyes ; Infidel ( which is able to be read by every Muslim ) . [ HR . 7131.7408 Al -Bukhari , Muslim 2933 ]
Dajjal is a man who is still young , red -skinned , which is blind to his right eye like a grape bulging out , flesh above his left eye and he was a grown man who does not have children infertile .
DOWN TIME DajjalIt is not known when the fall of the Antichrist . Because of the decrease is related to Dajjal doomsday , doomsday was alone no one knows when it happened but Allaah . Clearly , the rise of the Antichrist is a sign of the apocalypse is impending .
PLACE OUT DajjalDajjal appears on the border between the regions of Sham and Iraq . From Nawwas bin Sam'anRadhiyallahu ' anhu said , ' Messenger of Allah Sallallahu ' Alaihi wa Sallam said about Dajjal , ' Surely he appeared in the border area between Sham and Iraq , so do mischief on the right and on the left . ' [ HR . Muslim 2937 ]
Dajjal PERIOD ON PLANET EARTHDajjal live on this earth , only for 40 days . A day like a year , a day like a month , a day like a week , and the rest as a typical day . [ See HR . Muslim 2937 ]
PLACE attended DajjalDajjal will be entered in each country by bringing fitnahnya [ including our country ] except Makkah and Madinah because all roads leading to it guarded by angels lined up . Rasulullah Sallallahu ' Alaihi wa Sallam said , ' There is no one else country , but all trampled by Dajjal . Except Makkah and Madinah . All roads to get there guarded by an angel with a march . So berhentilahDajjal disebuah garden [ in the suburbs of Medina ] . Medina was shaking three times . then -out all of the infidels and hypocrites -From the city of Medina to meet the Dajjal . ' [ HR . Al - Bukhari 1881 and Muslim 2943 ]Naration other Dajjal can not enter the mosque , namely four , Masjid Al - Haram , Masjid Nabawy , Al- Aqsa Mosque , and Mosque Ath - Thur . [ Saheeh . HR . Ahmad 24 085 . See Ash - Shahihah 2934 ]
FOLLOWERS DajjalMost followers of Dajjal who is from the Jews . Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said , ' The Dajjal is a follower of the Jewish group Isfahan [ Iran one region ] seventy thousand men who wear hats headgear . ' [ HR . Muslim 2944 ]
SLANDER DajjalDefamation [ test ] fitnah of the Dajjal is the biggest since God created Adam until the Day of Judgment , because God created it to have extraordinary abilities that can not be digested by the human mind . With his ability that he claimed himself as a god . He has heaven and hell , but his hell is heaven , while his heaven is hell . He can command the sky that rained down and ordered the earth in order to grow crops . He was able to travel on the earth very quickly like rain in the wind , turn that off and the other as a trial for the Muslims .
DEATH DajjalWhile Dajjal preoccupied with destructive deeds on earth , God sent Jesus the son of Mary, illustrious in the world the white tower east of Damascus to kill Dajjal . And his job was successful , managed to kill Dajjal Prophet Jesus in chapter Lud [ a village near Baitul Maqdis , in Palestine ] . [ See HR . Muslim 2937 ]
WHAT IS ALREADY APPEARED Dajjal ?If you look at the statements above concerning the nature and slander Dajjal , where one of the signs [ ie no infidel writings between the eyes ] may be known by every Muslim even illiterate - as mentioned in Muslim history in 2932 - it can be ascertained that he has not been there until now . As for those who argue that the existing form of the Antichrist Dajjal with menakwilkan that is not human but rather a symbol of European culture , the grandeur , and such fitnahnya then it is the opinion of vanity and far from the truth , because bersebrangan with all the arguments saheeh we have mentioned earlier about Dajjal that he is a figure that is certain [ man ] and intangibles .
KEEP AWAY FROM SLANDER DajjalHere are some attempts to do all the time right now to save yourself from slander Dajjal when he actually came later ;1 . Seek refuge in Allaah from fitnahnya , each finished off tasyahhud end . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said , ' If one of you has been completed from tasyahhud finally , seek refuge in Allah from four things: from the torment of the grave, live and dead libel , slander and evil of Al -Masih Ad - Dajjal . ' [ HR . Muslim 588 ]2 . Memorize the first ten verses of Surat al - Kahf . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said , ' Whoever memorized the first ten verses of Surat al - Kahf , he was awake from slander Dajjal . ' [ Saheeh . HR . Abu Dawud 4321 ]3 . Stay in Mecca and Medina .

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