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77 Unique Facts The New World

77 Unique Facts The New World - The world is full of diversity and the uniqueness . Uniqueness is influenced by many things such as culture or customs different in every corner of the world . Maybe a lot of people looking for information unique facts from around the world , because it is very like the variety of unique things in this world .
Science is never finished , a list of 77 facts below was just an ant among boundless knowledge . It is true , with the knowledge we could conquer the world . But apart from this, the following is a collection of interesting facts outlined in your blog Espilen 77 Unique Facts The New World .

1 . Indonesian state is in the 4th position as the World's Most Beautiful Country First Choice version of the site .
2 . In Italy , the rules Cappuccino drinks should only be drunk before noon time .
3 . The U.S. , Australia , Finland , Germany and Canada adl developed countries without UN . Did you know there are schools in the world trbaik in Finland even without UN .
4 . " Jengkol is very nice " comments vocalist Pierre Bouvier of Simple Plan .
5 . Each one of our fingers clicking a computer mouse , there are 1.42 calories burned in the body . ( Research , Convert Anything to Calories ) .
6 . In ancient Japan , warrior toad oil smeared on their bodies in the belief that it will make them puncture-proof body .
7 . In Japan , falling asleep at work ( inemuri ) can be tolerated , because it is seen as fatigue arising from working too hard .
8 . Mechanical saws originally created as a medical tool to help deliver the baby .
9 . Do not often say the word " root " in Australia and New Zealand . There, the word " root " means getting to have sex .
10 . Laetiporus mushroom known as the nickname " chicken forest " because it seems like the meat tastes like fried chicken .
11 . Frog legs are a special dish in europe . Did you know: about 80 % of imports came from Indonesia European frog .
12 . If you type " do the harlem shake " in the YouTube search bar , the screen will do the Harlem Shake ! . [ Google Chrome ]
13 . Looking through the small hole will instantly improve your vision while .
14 . YouTube says the average new 4000 Harlem Shake video uploaded every day . [ Yahoo! ]
15 . Ant has its own cemetery . But you know : Octopuses have a garden and a love of gardening . ( wikipedia )
16 . Chocolate contains Theobromine , organic molecules that may help strengthen tooth enamel . ( Research from Tulane University ) .
17 . Women 2 times more likely to use emoticons in text messages than men . ( Research at Rice University )
18 . Even Buzz Aldrin was the second man stepped on the moon , but he was the first to throw dirt in space .
19 . The next is a unique fact , psychologists say that sending and receiving text messages can really improve your mood when you're feeling lonely . ( Telegraph )
20 . Thailand is the only Southeast Asian country that was never colonized .
21 . Music has the ability to repair damage to the brain and restore lost memories . ( cracked . com )
22 . Feelings of loneliness trigger the same response in the brain as physical pain . ( BBC News )
23 . In Cape Town , South Africa , teenage boys who have missing teeth is considered handsome / masculine .
24 . The more bitter the chocolate ( high substance theobromine ) , the higher the benefits. 1bar diligently consume chocolate / day can cure chronic cough .
25 . The word " mouse " ( rat ) is derived from the Sanskrit derivative " Mus " which means " thief " .
26 . Napping ( Power Nap ) trbukti add height , while we take a nap dikrnkan growth hormone ( Growth Hormone ) LBH actively working .
27 . The world's largest prime number is currently 17 million digits in length , enough to fill 28 pages in paperback .28 . According to a study , drinking green tea after eating fish helps block the substances contained in the fish Mercury enters the bloodstream .
29 . Extend the life of the phone up to 4 years to reduce the environmental impact by up to 40 percent . [ Results of study in Switzerland ]

30 . Sit together with friends / family eating a common , interchangeable improve happiness and help alleviate depression . [ ehealthnewsdaily ]
31 . Abibliophobia is a phobia or fear of running out of reading material .
32 . In medieval Europe , the salt is very expensive , so it is referred to as " white gold " .
33 . Chewing gum can improve the ability to think quickly and alertness by 10 percent . [ Journal of Brain and Cognition ]
34 . Women who are stressed during pregnancy tend to give birth to children who are grumpy . [ Institute of Psychiatry , King's College London ]
35 . It is recommended that you buy shoes in the afternoon . Because, after a day of walking , afternoon will grow 5-8 feet per cent .
36 . Music has the ability to repair damage to the brain and restore lost memories . [ cracked . com ]
37 . According to new research , the life expectancy of the average boy band higher than the musicians who chose a solo career . ( detikHealth )
38 . The island resort of Bali is one of the 10 most romantic island in the world . [ Travel + Leisure Magazine ]
39 . University in Japan always perform memorial services for animals ( eg, mice ) that died in a testing laboratory . [ web.archive . org ]
40 . Flashing give your brain a rest for a while . [ scientists at Japan 's Osaka University ]
41 . Happy woman in a wedding will experience weight gain half a pound ( 0.22 kg ) every 6 months . [ DailyMail ]

42 . Excessive jealousy can be classified as mental illness , encourage ssorg For krna interchangeable suicide / kill somebody else's lives . [ research ]
43 . Consuming tomatoes several times within a period of a week interchangeable overcome feelings of depression . [ researcher at Tianjin Medical Univ . , China ]
44 . Feelings of loneliness trigger the same response in the brain as physical pain . [ BBC News ]
45 . In Cape Town , South Africa , teenage boys who have missing teeth is considered handsome / masculine . 46 . Hugging people who cherished interchangeable help lower blood pressure , reduce stress and anxiety , improve memory bahkn interchangeable . [ Dailymail ]
47 . The word " mouse " ( rat ) is derived from the Sanskrit derivative " Mus " which means " thief " . 48 . Walking or cycling to school students in the classroom to sharpen concentration and remained about 4 hours later . [ Medical Daily ]
49 . According to global market research Euromonitor International , Korean men are men most like preening of other men in the world .
50 . The average person would feel 100 percent healthy / fit only 61 days a year . [ research in the UK ]
51 . Polydactyl Cat is a breed of cat that has a thumb on their feet .
52 . Only by reducing the brightness of the TV , you are able to save even more than Rp 1.5 million a year . [ compass ]
53 . In Germany , prisoners who want to escape the prison dr mrupakn adl not illegal . Because it salah1 basic human instinct for freedom .
54 . Women feel most themselves look ugly and looks older on Wednesdays at 15:30 . [ new study from St Tropez ] Expand 55 . People who regularly play video games proved to have good reasoning than most people . ( detikHealth )
56 . The name " gorilla " comes from the Greek word " Gorillai " which means " hairy women " .
57 . IBM said that within the next 5 years , computers will be like a man who can see , hear, smell and feel .
58 . During the 13th century , the word "nice " actually means " stupid " , " senseless " and " foolish " .
59 . 49 % of Smartphone owners are single. ( Survey , "2012 Online User Behavior and Engagement Study " )
60 . Gazzarella is mozzarella cheese made ​​from the milk cat . 61 . The average person seeing / checking his cell phone about 150 times a day . (Report on MindTrek Nokia 2010)
62 . Laughter can increase the activity of antibodies approximately 20 % , is also helping to destroy viruses and tumor cells .
63 . Phobias mathematics ( mathematics anxiety ) trigger the same response in the brain as physical pain . The symptoms are pain look at the numbers alone .
64 . Cartoon character Bugs Bunny was given the rank of honorary sergeant - major in the U.S. Marine Corps at the end of World War II . ( wikipedia )
67 . According to international etiquette , a proper handshake and both should last for about 3 seconds and released after rocking .
68 . When we are in love , the brain will produce extra dopamine , a chemical that makes a person become excessively excited .
69 . " Mwahahaha " and " lolz " has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary .
70 . According to research , men tend to lower the volume of his voice when he talked to someone who he loves , while women otherwise .
71 . In France , snacks Arum Manis ( Hair grandmother ) called " Barbe á Papa " which means " father 's beard " .
72 . According to the study , PR too much can actually cause students to become stressed , depressed and got lower grades .
73 . Hangry is the incorporation of the word " Hungry " and " Birds " , in use when you are hungry and angry .
74 . Fart of bacteria make swiss cheese has holes .
75 . Listening to music can actually reduce chronic pain by up to 20 % and help alleviate depression by up to 25 % . ( ScienceDaily )
76 . People who feel lonely have the possibility of dementia 70-80 % higher . ( Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry )
77 . Daydreaming interchangeable shortening of telomeres ( the very end of the cell DNA ) that play a role within safeguarding the stability of the cell , which can accelerate the aging process .

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