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4 Ways Creatures Subtle Shows Existence

4 Shows Subtle Ways creature existence , existence of the spirits around us so may be the case that we can not ignore . Various phenomena occurring in our environment can be a sign that the existence of the spirits do exist . The question is , how exactly delicate creatures that show us the particulars of their existence has been around us ?

There are at least four medium ( way ) how the existence of spirits show happenings around us . Fourth medium was as follows :

1 . visual
In this case , spirits reveal to us visually . As such , we see the direct form. This visual sightings could openly or too vague . In a blatant example alone is that when spirits manifest to us in the form of children , adult women , parents or in other beings . Meanwhile , vague , delicate creatures that show presence to us in the form of a glimpse of a figure or a particular movement or flash of light . Sightings vague spirits also often involve certain objects . For example , the light suddenly turns on and then turns itself off . Or for example , plates , cups or other objects that could suddenly change places , without anyone who has moved .

2 . aroma
Spirits often also use scent ( smells ) to demonstrate its existence to us . Fragrant flowers are among them . For example , when in a room suddenly our nose to smell the flowers was overpowering . In fact , we know no one at all who put up / put flowers in the room or around the room.

3 . Grope and touch
The existence of ghosts can be also characterized by the occurrence of palpation or touch . For instance , when we were alone in a room , then all of a sudden we feel our shoulders or neck, there is a feeling or touch . Winds suddenly felt next to us when we were in a closed room can also be a sign of one of the spirits in the room that was showing its existence to us .

4 . sound
Sounds too common a tool for the spirits to show its existence . Do not be surprised , for example , when in the middle of the night we silence suddenly startled by the sound of gurgling water from the shower direction indicating the presence of someone who was in the shower . However , when we examine the bathroom , no one was found there . Or another occasion , at night still, perhaps we hear the sound of glasses and plates rowdy from the kitchen . So we look there , we do not see a nose too , just glance we saw a flash of light immediately vanished just like that ? | .

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