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30 Strange But Real Facts Latest

30 Strange But Real Facts Latest , Life in the world is not separated from the various events and interesting facts that we need to consider , one of which is a strange but true fact . Some strange things might make us stunned . And the following is a collection of strange but true facts which Newest 2013.

1 . In Korea , teachers change schools every 5 years , so that each teacher the opportunity to teach in a school good or bad .
2 . The word most often used in pop songs right now is ' oh ' .
3 . The first typewriters could only type in capital letters .
4 . Based on the study , chewing gum during the test lets you get better value
5 . Male breast can also produce milk , usually occurs in men who are obese or who are cancer chemotherapy .
6 . People who eat in the brightly lit room and played loud music , tends to make the body fat.
7 . Kite was first invented by a Chinese farmer hat blown off .
8 . Lengilu English speakers only have 4 people in East Kalimantan and be the most endangered languages ​​in Indonesia .
9 . Longest beard in the world is owned by a Norwegian man , Hans S Langseth , 5 meters in length .
10 . The earthquake not only happen on the earth , in the presence of the quake was experienced .
11 . Women who are stressed during pregnancy tend to give birth to children of short stature .
12 . 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x 10 seconds = 6 weeks
13 . In ancient Japan , condoms made ​​of tortoise shell or animal horn .
14 . In Switzerland, the car door shut with a bang is illegal .
15 . Eating chocolate can not cause addiction , but it can cause a sense of longing for the taste. It is called ' Chocolate Craving ' .
16 . Research indicates that mosquitoes are attracted to people who just ate bananas
17 . If you type ' do the harlem shake ' in the YouTube search bar , the screen will do the Harlem Shake ! . ( Google Chrome )
18 . Armadillo is the only nonhuman sentient beings who can suffer from leprosy .
19 . In Utah USA , it is illegal not to drink milk
20 . Dim the room light and berasin foods , can relieve migraine disease .
21 . Wow , bees can not fly when it rains while mosquitoes can fly when it rains .
22 . In the 1500s in Naples , Italy , kissing in public could be exposed to the death penalty .
23 . People with high academic grades tend to be jealous , because people with high GPA usually meticulous , showing great self- control and a perfectionist
24 . Most of the main character's voice in ' Dragon Ball Z ' filled by 70 -year -old woman .
25 . Heart attack on Monday rose to 20 % , compared to other days , according to the British Medical Journal .
26 . Jengkol high protein than soybeans and green beans which serves to replace damaged cells and helps intelligence .
27 . Mao Zedong was an outdoor enthusiast . he never swam anywhere from the sea to the river that was polluted storm .
28 . In Germany , attempted to escape from prison is not illegal , because the basic human instinct want freedom .
29 . Bryan Bednarek , is the record holder for most clap , clap ie 802 times in 60 seconds .
30 . Most people do not know English ' Terima kasih ' . They him thank you .

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