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Secret Behind Prayer Movement

Secret Behind Prayer Movement

One of the obligations of Muslims are praying five times .Prayer is not onlyinto practice in the next majorlater , but the movementsprayers were least proportionalthe anatomy of the human body .Even from a medical angle , prayeris a drug warehouse of varioustype of disease .During this prayer is donefive times a day by Muslims ,in fact has givenenough health investmentgreat for those who perform prayersThe . Prayer movement towith regards to have meaningunusually good for healthphysical , mental and even balancespiritual and emotional . butunfortunately only a few of the peopleUnderstand Islam . followingThe multiple benefits of movementprayer for human health :takbiratul ihramPosture : stand up straight , liftsecond hand ear level , thenfold it in front of the abdomen orlower chestBenefits : This movement launchedflow of blood, lymph ( lymph )and arm muscle strength . positionheart pituitaryallowing blood to flowsmoothly to s ! Mangasi body . timeraised both hands , muscleshoulder stretched so that the flowoxygen -rich blood to be smooth .Then the hands didekapkanin front of the abdomen or chestdown . This attitude avoidsof various joint problems ,particularly in the upper body .bowingPosture : the perfect Rukumarked spine straightso that when placed a glass of waterat the top of the backs will notspill . With a straight head positionspine .Benefits : This posture keepingperfection of the position and functiontulangbelakang ( corpus vertebrae )as a buffer body and centralnerve . The position of the heart parallelthe brain , the blood flowmaximum on the body partmiddle . Hand rests onknee function for muscle relaxationdown to the shoulder muscles . besidesit , bowing is an exercise urinaryto prevent prostate disorders .i'tidalPosture : Waking up from bowing , bodyback upright after , liftingboth hands as high as the ears .Benefits : Itidal is variationposture after bowing and beforeprostration . Motion stood stoopedstanding of prostration is an exercisegood digestion . organ organdigestion in the stomachexperienced massage andalternately loosening .In effect, the digestion becomes moresmoothly .prostrationPosture : menungging withputting both hands , knees ,toe , and forehead on the floor .Benefits : The flow of lymphpumped into the neck andarmpits . The position of the heart over braincauses oxygen-rich bloodbisamengalir maximum to the brain .The effect on power flowthought somebody . Therefore , doprostration with tuma'ninah , do notbriskly enough blood agarcapacity in the brain . this posturealso avoid interferencehemorrhoids . Especially for women , eitherbowing and prostration havetremendous benefits for fertilityand the health of the female organs .SITTINGPosture : Sit there are two kinds ,namely iftirosy ( tahiyyat early ) andtawarruk ( tahiyyat end ) .The difference lies in the positionsoles of the feet .Benefits : When iftirosy , werests on the groinconnected with nerve nerveIschiadius . this positionavoid pain at the base of thethigh which often causessufferer was unable to walk .Tawarruk sit very well forFor men to suppress your heelsbladder ( urethra ) , glandmale sex ( prostate ) and channelvas deferens . If done .correctly , posture irfi preventimpotence . Variations in the position of the palmfeet on iftirosy and tawarrukcause all the muscles of the legalso stretch and thenrelaxed again . Motion and pressurethis is maintaining harmonious .flexibility and power of the organ -organs of our movement .SALAMMovement : Rotate the head to the rightand left to the fullest .Benefits : Relaxation of muscle aroundimprove neck and headblood flow in the head . this movementprevent headaches and keepfacial skin firmness .WORSHIP is , not continuousonly nourish faith , butwomen beautify themselves outside andinside .PACU INTELLIGENCEMovement prostration in prayeris unique . his philosophy ishuman subject themselvesas low as possible , even morelower than his own ass . ofthe standpoint of sciencepsychoneuroimmunology ( scienceon immune response ofpsychological point of view ) thatProf. explored . Sholeh , this movementHuman ushered in degreesas high . Why ?By doing prostration movementregularly, the blood vessels inbrain trained to accepta lot of blood supply . at the time ofprostration , cardiac position is abovehead which allows bloodmaximum flow to the brain . itthat is, the brain get suppliesoxygen-rich blood that spurwork cells . In other words ,tumakninah prostration andcan stimulate continuousintelligence . His research has beenreceived recognition from HarvardUniversitry , USA . even aAmerican doctorthe unknown statesconverted to Islam after secretlyconduct research into the developmentspecifically about the movement of prostration .perindah POSTUREMovements in a similar prayeryoga or stretching (stretching ) .The point is to flex the bodyand blood circulation .Superiority compared prayersOther movements are prayerslimbs move moremany , including the toes andhand . Prostration is exercisestrength to certain muscles ,including chest muscles . When prostration ,load of the upper bodypinned on the arm untilthe palm of the hand . when thismuscle contraction occurs in the chest ,part of the body becomespride of women . breast notonly become more beautifulshape but also improvemilk gland function intherein .LABOR make it easyStill in pose prostration , benefitsothers can be enjoyed by women. timerose hips and waistgoes beyond the head and chest , muscle -abdominal muscles ( rectus abdominis andobliquus abdominis externuus )full contract . this conditiontrain around the abdominal organsto push deeper andold . It benefits womendue to childbirthneeded breathing goodand the ability to push thesufficient . When the abdominal muscles havebecome largerand strong , then naturally heeven more elastic . prostrate habitcauses the body torestore andmaintain organsstomach back in place( fixation ) .IMPROVE FERTILITYAfter the prostration is movementsitting . In prayer there are two kinds ofsitting posture , which sits iftirosy( tahiyyat early ) and sat tawarruk( tahiyyat end ) . The most important thingis co - muscle berkontraksinyaperineum muscles . For women ,this is the most protected areabecause there are three holes , iemating burrows , anal toremoving dirt , and channelurine . When tawarruk sit , heelleft foot should press areaperineum . Instep shouldplaced on the left footand heel of the right foot should bepressing the right groin . onposition ! The heel of the left foot willmassaging and pressing areaperineum . This gentle pressurethe repair of organsreproduction in the perineal area .With prayer life Insha Allahour Healthy

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