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A Planet " Alien " like Saturn discovered

A Planet " Alien " like Saturn discovered
Astronomers through observationwith telescopes in Arizona andSouth Africa find planetsaliens resemble Saturn , whichorbiting stars far as 700light years from Earth .Alien Planet is another nameof extrasolar planets , planetsare beyond the Solar Systemcentered on the Sun .

The planet is discoveredwith the transit method . this techniquebased on the observationdimming of starlight as a resultplanets revolving around it . ofEarth , the planet is observed to experiencetransit for 5 hours in advanceparent star .The planet discovered namedKelt - 6b . The name is taken from the planetthe name of one of the telescopesused to find ,Kilodegree Extremely LittleTelescope ( Celtic ) .Announced the discovery of the planetKaren Collins , a studentAstrophysics at the University ofLouisville in Kentucky , in the eventAmerican Astronomical Societyall 222 on Tuesday . Kelt - 6borbiting very close to thestar. One year on this planetequivalent to 7.8 days on Earth .So , what makes this planetsimilar to Saturn . Not because Kelt6b has a ring , but becausemass and size. In addition ,Kelt 6b is also a gas planetgiant .Mass 95.16 times the mass of SaturnEarth , while the size of Saturnreflected by its radiusreached 58.232 kilometers . mass6b and Kelt size is not muchdifferent . What is different betweenboth the orbital distancestar.Kelt 6b also have a cousinnamed HD 209458b same -same alien planets and gas giantsa short distance from its star .In contrast with cousinrich metal , Celtic metal minimal 6b .Keivan Stassun , astronomersVanderbilt University is alsoCeltic team member , said ,role of metals in the environment inwhere planets are formed is stilla big question . besidesit , because it looks very bright ,Kelt 6b worthy of study forhelp answer that the question,.

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