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7 Representing Devil Sin Man

7 Representing Devil Sin Man

1 . Lucifer ( Pride )
In Latin , the word " Lucifer " means " Light Bringer " ( from lux , Lucis , " light " , and " ferre " , " carry " ) is a name for the " Morning Star " ( the planet Venus when it appears in the early days ) . Lucifer according to the stories used to be an angel , but eventually lowered into the earth as opposed to God , which is when it started creating Adam

2 . Mammon ( Greed )
Mammon is the demon of greed , wealth , and injustice . People who worship Mammon equivalent to those greedy on money . Well the picture above shows Mammon was holding money / treasure in her lap ( it means stingy ) and stepping on someone's head ( it can mean stepping worshipers or else was stepping on others to riches )

3 . Asmodeus ( Lust / Lust excessive sex )
Asmodeus is the demon of lust and is therefore responsible for twisting people 's sexual desire . It is said that people who fall to Asmodeus way will be punished forever in hell the second level . He oversees the seventy- two demons forces under his command . He is one king hell under Lucifer . He described appears with three heads , the first is like a bull , the second like a man with a crown , and the third like a ram . He has a snake tail , and put out the fire from his mouth . In addition , he sits on a hell of a dragon and holding a spear

4 . Leviathan ( Envy / Jealousy )
Leviathan is one of the seven princes of Hell and the gates of Hell in his mouth ( Hellmouth ) . Leviathan is synonymous with great sea monster . Leviathan is a demon who is said to tempt men to commit blasphemy . Blasphemy can be interpreted as revenge reasons arising from envy or malice with something

5 . Beelzebub ( Gluttony / Voracious eating )
Beelzebub is the name of one of the seven kings of hell and is described as the god of flies . He invites a person to eat a lot , expensive , greedy , and picky eaters . This sin seems small , because only a matter of eating , but it turned out to be a great sin

6 . Satan / Amon ( Wrath / Anger )
He is the embodiment of antagonism that is derived from the Abrahamic religions . He eventually gave rise to anger and sinful nature detruktif . An example of this is a result of sin to kill ( can also kill other people for worship ) . However, the most severe of sin is suicidal

7 . Belphegor ( Sloth / Laziness )
Belphegor is described in two different models : a beautiful young woman when in the world or as terrible bearded devil with horns and sharp nails . He often said as well as the devil wealth gained by cunning . He encouraged someone to get rich the easy way and if necessary to deceive . An example is corruption . Well , after the time for the rich idle without work . Laziness , for we usually can become a habit . The simplest example is the delay and continue looking for jobs easy work with great results

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